Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Frida Guzman

Hello Everybody,Happy Frida Friday,and welcome to my blog!

My name is Frida Guzman and I am currently a senior at BASIS Scottsdale.

Here is some classified information about myself:

When it comes to binge watching shows on Netflix, I am the queen. From How to Get Away with Murder to The Office, I have no specific genre to conform to, I enjoy it all...except for action movies… I tend to be all over the place when it comes to music too. I could go from listening to Radiohead to dancing to DJ Snake.

Although my charter school has a strong STEM emphasis, I have always been more drawn to the intricacies of the humanities and social sciences. Discussing literature and delving into different historical events have always lifted my mood in a school where calculus and computer science were fun hobbies for most students.

My personal interests ultimately led me to my passion: social justice.

Throughout my life, I have always been captivated by the legal system. Everything about it was interesting to me. In fact, to me it was always important to focus on equality and social change within our society as not only have I read about the inequity, I have also personally witnessed it.

This led me to my senior project at the Arizona Department of Corrections: Victim Services. More about that below:

For the next few months, I will be using this blog to document my journey and findings for my Senior Research Project. At BASIS Scottsdale, the seniors do not attend school for their third trimester and instead conduct a research project in which they pose a question and take part in an internship in attempts to gain access to specific information and potential answers that could assist the research question.

For my research project, I will be participating in an internship with the Arizona Department of Corrections: Victim Services to further explore the support and treatment that victim’s receive once a verdict has been reached. Through this internship, I will be able to witness all aspects of victim support and representation and assess where the criminal justice system is lacking and where it is successful. Along with this, I will be doing my own research in which I review different studies about the criminal justice system and potentially interview important individuals within it to gain more insight about the topic at hand. At the end of these few months (10 weeks) in May, I will present on my findings and my experience as a whole.

I hope that you stay tuned to find out what happens on my journey ahead.

-Frida Guzman