Friday, March 17, 2017

Back to Business

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to another week and another Frida Friday on my blog.

This week I got the opportunity to see yet another side of how Victim Services works to facilitate a victim's experience within the criminal justice system in Arizona. On Wednesday, I  was allowed to attend a meeting in which individuals from other government agencies across Arizona came together to discuss different plans or forms of advocacy that would alleviate many problems victims face in the criminal justice system.  In this meeting, I was able to see how different agencies work together for a specific cause. For instance, different presentations were presented and updates were given to show the legislation and work that has been accomplished these past few months (these meetings happen every few months for these purposes).

After that meeting, I observed another one. This meeting had to do with organizing different training events to train people across all agencies so that they would be informed on the effects that different crimes can have on victims. Personally, I found this very important because I too believe that people should be taught how much impact domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other serious crimes can have on a person's life. This is definitely a huge way to inform others on what a victim goes through and it is crucial to not leave them in the dark so to speak.

Once all of the meetings were over, I worked more on letter sending and the excel stat spreadsheet that I had worked on in week 4. I actually really enjoy entering the stats into the spreadsheet even if it is long and tedious. In terms of revocation hearings, I did not see many this week, but Parole hearings are actually starting up next week, and don't worry, these will definitely give me a chance to tell a few interesting stories so my blog won't be so dry if you know what I mean.

So that is pretty much all that happened to me on-site this week. Get excited for next week's post for sure, there may or may not be something super cool in it.

Anyways, as always thanks for reading.


- Frida


  1. Hey Frida! Your week sounds like it was really interesting. I agree with all the things you said. I can't wait to hear all the stories you will tell us!

  2. This week sounds like a really interesting experierence, especially the meeting to train the people on the impacts of different crimes. I have two questions, did they mention which crime had the biggest impact in the meeting, and do the different government agencies ever argue over how to handle something when they work together?

  3. Hey Frida! So a bit off topic but as of right now, do you think this is the career "category" you'd like to pursue? Why or why not? I hope you have a wonderful week and learn a ton!

  4. Hi Frida! Exploring many different meetings and interactions as supposed to doing the same thing week after week sounds fascinating! What has been your favorite part of your project so far?

  5. Hey Frida! What specific agencies were involved in the meeting? Also, were there any impacts of crimes that surprised you? I look forward to hearing about the Parole hearings! Thank you!

  6. Hi Frida! I've always wondered how people are affected by serious crimes or abuse. Do people specialize in helping victims to cope with the effects? Thanks for keeping us updated I can't wait for the hearings!

  7. Hi Frida! Your week literally seemed so awesome! If you need any other people that are involved in law enforcement, I got your back <3

  8. Hi Frida. Your project sounds awesome and really fascinating. Whats your favorite part of the project so far? Hope to read even more interesting posts in the future.

  9. Hey Frida! So in the first meeting you spoke of the different agencies working to pass legislation and I was wondering what that legislation was? Thanks and keep it coming with the gifs.

  10. Hi Frida. Your weekend seemed pretty awesome with all the meetings and such. I was wondering what other agencies were there at the meeting? Keep up the good work!

  11. It's nice that you're getting to see all sides of the organization that you're working with from attending meetings to entering data in Excel. I look forward to next week's post and the super cool thing that may or may not be included.
